Africa-Press – Botswana. Collaboration between government and trade unions remains critical in creating a thriving economy for Botswana.

This was said by Member of Parliament for Tonota, Mr Pono Moatlhodi at the International Workers Day commonly known as Labour Day commemoration May 1.

Mr Moatlhodi said trade unions were not a force against government, but a partner in building a prosperous future for all Batswana.

“We should work together with government to ensure that our economy is sustainable and that workers receive fair treatment. We must remember that our interests are aligned. A successful economy benefits everyone,” he said.

Mr Moatlhodi, also the National Assembly deputy speaker, highlighted the importance of transparency and accountability in public spending and thus urged government officials to resist the temptation of corruption even in the face of limited salaries.

He also appealed to the workers to uphold highest ethical standards and always remember that public money was not theirs.

“The temptation to misuse funds can be great, but the consequences are severe. As trade unionists, we must lead by example, calling out corruption when we see it and demanding transparency from those in power.’

Mr Moatlhodi also encouraged workers to prioritise productivity and comply with their union subscriptions, saying ‘to be an effective trade union member, you must be both productive in your work and diligent in paying your union subscriptions. We are only as strong as our members, and when each of us does our part, we can make great strides in improving working conditions and labour rights in Botswana’.

For his part, Mr Motseothata Gopane of the Botswana Manual Workers Union (BOMAWU), commended President Dr Mokgweetsi Masisi for his efforts in improving the welfare and working conditions of the country’s workforce.

Mr Gopane said since President Masisi assumed office in 2018, there had been notable progress in the quality of life and the rights of workers across Botswana.

“We appreciate the strides made by his administration and believe that this is just the beginning of a brighter future for our nation’s labour force,” he said.

He also commended President Masisi for championing the ‘pyramid scale’ wage adjustment model, which ensured that the lowest-paid workers received proportionally higher wage increases than their higher-paid counterparts.

“We have witnessed a significant shift towards wage equity and justice with the implementation of the pyramid scale. This move has helped reduce the wage gap and provided a much-needed boost to those at the bottom of the wage pyramid,” he added.

He also appreciated the significant reforms to labour legislation achieved during President Masisi’s tenure, citing the consolidation of the Public Service Act and the Trade Disputes Act into a unified Botswana Public Service Act.

“The Employment Act is a landmark achievement for workers in Botswana. It created a more streamlined and comprehensive legal framework that addressed many of the issues facing the labour market, from collective bargaining rights to dispute resolution mechanisms,” he said.

He further acknowledged President Masisi’s emphasis on green technology as a means to create jobs and improve the country’s economic prospects, particularly in light of this year’s theme: Decent Jobs for All.

“President Masisi has recognised the potential of green technology to not only protect our environment, but also create sustainable job opportunities for Batswana. By investing in renewable energy, recycling initiatives and other eco-friendly enterprises, we can simultaneously address the issues of climate change and unemployment in our country,” he said.

Meanwhile, former Tonota Sub-District Council chairperson, Mr Botho Ntirang appealed to workers to be loyal to the current government and adopt a positive mindset towards achieving a shared goal.

“We must remember that the government is our partner in progress, not our adversary. Let us approach our work and interactions with government with a spirit of cooperation and mutual respect. By aligning your efforts with those of the government, you can create a brighter future for all Batswana,” he said.

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