Ginchi Power Distribution Station Built with 8.4 Mil USD Inaugurated

Ginchi Power Distribution Station Built with 8.4 Mil USD Inaugurated
Ginchi Power Distribution Station Built with 8.4 Mil USD Inaugurated

Africa-PressEthiopia. March 20/2021(ENA) Ginchi Power Distribution Station built with a cost of 8.4 million USD in West Oromia region has been inaugurated today in the presence of Chief Administrator of the Region, Shimelis Abdisa and other high ranking government officials.

The Power Distribution Station is equipped with two 50 megavolt ampere transformers and has the capacity to hold 10 power lines with each 15 kilovolts line.

At the inauguration ceremony, Oromia Region Chief Administrator, Shimelis Abdisa said the substation would help to address demands of electricity in the area.

According to him, the project is believed to supply energy to help expedite Ecotourism and manufacturing industries that enhance job opportunities to the local people.

The regional state has been intensifying efforts to expand access to electricity in the region in order to improve the livelihood of the people, he added.

Minister of Water, Irrigation and Energy, Seleshi Bekele said for his part the newly inaugurated substation would be crucial to address power outage in Ginchi and surroundings areas.

He noted that the government is hugely investing on the energy sector by developing solar, hydro power, geothermal and other renewable resources to enhance access for electricity in the country.

The Ginchi 230/15 kv substation consumed 8.4 million USD, of which 15 percent financed by the government of Ethiopia and 85 percent obtained from France Development Bank through loan.

The construction was carried out by Larson and Turbo, an Indian company, and MVV Energie, a German and Swiss consulting firms.


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