Fun Traditions in Kenya’s Best Performing High Schools

Fun Traditions in Kenya’s Best Performing High Schools
Fun Traditions in Kenya’s Best Performing High Schools

Africa-Press – Kenya. From the top national schools in the country to district schools, there are always those interesting traditions that students are required to take part in during their four-year stay in those institutions.

While some of the traditions were invented by the school administrators, others were started by students themselves. Additionally, students often brag about them because of the pride and history they bear.

Here is a list of some of the traditions that happen in some of the most prestigious schools in the country.

The Starehe Boys Center

Unlike many schools where KSCE candidates are allowed to leave the schools after the final examination without any farewell talk or party, Starehe Boys Center has a special tradition for their departing students.

At the end of every year, the Form Four students are read to a special message, popularly known as the Charge which is a call for the students to stand out in the society having studied the prestigious school.

The charge is usually delivered to the students by the school administrator. In recent days, a video of the school’s founder, Dr Geoffrey William Griffin reading the charge to students who had just completed their four-year study circulated on social media. The charge reads as follows;

“I Charge you never to forget the great benefits you have received in this place, and in time to come according to your means to do all that you can do to enable others to enjoy the same advantage; and remember that you carry with you, wherever you go, the good name of Starehe. May God Almighty bless you in your ways and keep you in the knowledge of his love now and forever.”

Alliance Boys High School

At Alliance, all Form One students are required to walk to the neighboring school, Alliance Girls High School, while wearing shorts that are above the knee. This tradition is known as socials.

The aim of the tradition is to help the new students foster good relationships with their neighbours. On the day of the socials, the elder students who are tasked with the responsibility of overseeing the tradition, also plan for tournaments for the special occasions.

Alliance Girls High School

The girls at Alliance have their own tradition known as the heirloom. In this tradition, all the students were regarded to be related as families.

Just like other schools, there would be the grandmother, the mother, and the daughter. Through the tradition, senior students pass down an instrument from one generation to the next.

Among the items that are passed from one student include cups, key holders, ointment teams. Every student has the responsibility of safeguarding the item before they are eventually passed down to the next person.

St Marys School Yala

At one of the oldest schools in the country, students in Yala had their own coded language. While many would expect the students to converse in English, Swahili, or Sheng as in the norm, that is not the case for the students at the school known for dominating performance in sports and academics.

Some of the common terms in the coded language include kusle which means taking tea without escort and kunyafi for eating half a loaf of bread.

Interestingly, the phrases are so hard that the teachers find it difficult to grasp the coded language for the students.

St. Peter’s Boys High School Mumias

At the school, there is a tradition of how the junior students relate with the senior students when it comes to sleeping arrangements.

Just like many schools, the junior students are required to sleep at the upper deck and are referred to as boys while the senior students were referred to as masters.

As is tradition, the master is required to be the protector of his juniors. Additionally, the unwritten rule has been that the boys were expected to be submissive to their masters by helping them in doing the chores such as cleaning.

Another interesting tradition at the school is that students are required to eat with cutlery. No matter the food that is prepared such as Ugali, no student is expected to eat with their bare hands. It is even punishable to eat with bare hands at school.

Apart from being famous for dominating Rugby tournaments in the East African Region, the school is also famous for producing top Kenyan journalists such as Alex Chamwada and Louis Otieno.

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