Give Kenyan leadership new faces, Passaris tells Kenyans

Give Kenyan leadership new faces, Passaris tells Kenyans
Give Kenyan leadership new faces, Passaris tells Kenyans

Africa-Press – Kenya. Nairobi Woman Representative Esther Passaris has urged Kenyans to consider choosing a leader from other tribes for inclusivity.

Passaris statement was in regards to former presidents, where three were Kikuyu while one was a Kalenjin.

Speaking in an interview at K24 on Thursday, Passaris said it does not mean a leader will only govern the community he/she comes from but will serve the whole country.

“People are looking for change, we’ve had you for ten years, we have not seen so much change, can we give it to someone else, ” she said.

“When you become a leader like Uhuru Kenyatta, when he became president, he didn’t become a president of his community, he became president of the country, so he has to balance and deliver to the entire country.”

She added that a leader has to relate with the people and what they are going through in order to have solutions.

“Even if Raila Odinga becomes president, Nyanza, Western which will probably give him a huge support, to get 24 counties you need to resonate with everyone,” she said.

Passaris also urged people to choose leaders with integrity, and one who has the country’s best interest at heart.

“When it comes to your candidate and your choice, especially the undecided, look for a leader who is mature, has a track record, who is talking the language you wanna hear in terms of developments and unity,” she said.

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