Liberia women Forum on Calls On Public To Continue Taking COVID-19 Vaccine; Carries Out Awareness in Two Counties

Liberia women Forum on Calls On Public To Continue Taking COVID-19 Vaccine; Carries Out Awareness in Two Counties
Liberia women Forum on Calls On Public To Continue Taking COVID-19 Vaccine; Carries Out Awareness in Two Counties

Africa-Press – Liberia. The Liberia Women Forum (LWF) has called on everyone in Liberia to take the COVID-19 vaccine.

The LWF launched a sensitization and awareness campaign in Liberia encouraging pregnant women, baby mothers, aged people, and the youth community to take the vaccination over the weekend.

The campaign kicked off in two of Liberia’s 15 counties. A team of foot soldiers from the LWF began the campaign in Grand Bassa and Margibi Counties, respectively.

LWF team headed by Miss Caroline Gartey has been seen educating and sensitizing the public in Grand Bassa and Margibi Counties.

The president of the Liberia Women Forum, Madam Kadi Porte said vaccination is key to protecting children and ourselves and building safer communities and societies, free from harmful vaccine-preventable diseases.

Mrs. Porte: “As we make efforts for the successful deployment of vaccines against COVID-19 vaccines, it is critical that children continue to have access to existing vaccines in order to prevent outbreaks of vaccine-preventable diseases alongside the COVID-19 pandemic.”

According to Mrs. Porte, COVID-19 has greatly affected the lives of Liberians, especially their livelihoods.

She said staying up-to-date with your COVID-19 vaccines, including any booster dose(s), is still the best thing you can do to protect yourself from serious illness from COVID-19.

“The COVID-19 vaccine gives us an added layer of protection against the virus and helps build community immunity. Community immunity helps protect our friends, family, and loved ones, including children who are too young to get the vaccine, from getting sick with COVID-19.

Mrs. Porte, however, joined other leaders and health authorities around the world to recommend getting all recommended COVID-19 vaccine doses when eligible, including any booster dose(s), is needed for the best protection against getting, spreading, and becoming seriously sick from COVID-19 and its variants.

The LWF president noted that the vaccines are safe and effective at preventing severe illness from COVID-19.

Mrs. Porte said People who had COVID-19 can get infected again, “Getting vaccinated provides strong protection, even if you already had COVID-19, You may have minor side effects after getting vaccinated. They are normal and will go away in a few days.

“We all play a part in keeping our community safe and staying on the right path out of this pandemic,” she said.

During the sensitization and awareness in Grand Bassa County, citizens of Baconi Village and its environs thanked the LWF team for the awareness

Miata Bayulon of Barconi Town, Buchanan Grand Bassa County explained that she and her husband have taken the vaccine but never knew that children too can take the vaccination.

“I lived here with my husband and children. I have taken it, the second one (Johnson and Joseph) but I don’t know if children can take it. Since you people are talking about children taking it then I will carry my 12-year- old son to take the vaccine,” she said.

Boye Gray, another resident of Barconi said “Yes, I have heard about the vaccine and the people say it is free to take. I na take it yea ( I have taken it yet). Because you ( since you people are talking about it I will go take it. It is good for us, so we can get this covid.

The team also visited the Fanti Town Community in Buchana City where there huge turnout with residents of that community eager to listen.

“Prince Joe( Fanti town, Buchanan) a fisherman) Yes, It is good for your group to come here and encourage people. Some people here have not taken the vaccine. For me, I took the first one and encourage my woman to take it too. When I get a chance will take my son who is 14-year-old to take it,” he said.

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