

Australian Scientists to Generate Electricity Out of Thin Air

Australian Scientists to Generate Electricity Out of Thin Air

Africa-Press - Liberia. Many countries have been facing a massive energy crisis and surging inflation as part of the global economic recession. Since then,...
Hit the Hay: Junk Food Leads to Worse Sleep, Swedish Study Finds

Hit the Hay: Junk Food Leads to Worse Sleep, Swedish Study Finds

Africa-Press - Liberia. A pioneering study has established a link between high-fat, high-sugar food and quality of sleep, warranting further research on what exact...
VIPER Rover Cancellation Throws Future of US' Manned Lunar Missions Into Jeopardy

VIPER Rover Cancellation Throws Future of US’ Manned Lunar Missions Into Jeopardy

Africa-Press - Liberia. WASHINGTON (Sputnik) - NASA's decision to cancel its almost half-a billion-dollar Volatiles Investigating Polar Exploration Rover (VIPER) project puts the entire...
Russia Reveals Fast & Accurate Breakthrough Diagnostic Method for Cancer

Russia Reveals Fast & Accurate Breakthrough Diagnostic Method for Cancer

Africa-Press - Liberia. Scientists from the National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University designed a radiopharmaceutical for an accurate prostate cancer diagnosis. The drug is based...
Social 'Butterflies': Parrots Feel Less Lonely After Video Calls to Other Birds

Social ‘Butterflies’: Parrots Feel Less Lonely After Video Calls to Other Birds

Africa-Press - Liberia. An international team of scientists has taught home parrots to make video calls to their peers. The birds ring a bell...
Increase in Fake Science Publications Threatens Academic Publishing Integrity

Increase in Fake Science Publications Threatens Academic Publishing Integrity

Africa-Press - Liberia. The integrity of academic publishing is facing a challenge from the proliferation of fake science publications, which are being produced at...
Great Pacific Garbage Patch: Perpetual Ocean-Roaming Plastic Trash Home to New Ecosphere

Great Pacific Garbage Patch: Perpetual Ocean-Roaming Plastic Trash Home to New Ecosphere

Africa-Press - Liberia. The Great Pacific Garbage Patch is the largest accumulation of ocean plastic in the world, and it is now coming to...
Scientists Discover Association Between Depression and Heart Disease in Women

Scientists Discover Association Between Depression and Heart Disease in Women

Africa-Press - Liberia. Scientists from the Russian Ministry of Health's Tyumen State Medical University (TyumSMU) have identified the link between depression and cardiovascular disease...
Unknown Source on Sea Floor is Producing ‘Large Amounts’ of Oxygen

Unknown Source on Sea Floor is Producing ‘Large Amounts’ of Oxygen

Africa-Press - Liberia. According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, around half of Earth's oxygen comes from the ocean. The production can typically...
Scientists Suggest Using Glycine as Component in Medical Electronics

Scientists Suggest Using Glycine as Component in Medical Electronics

Africa-Press - Liberia. An international group of scientists based in Russia’s National Research University of Electronic Technology (MIET) have managed to enhance glycine crystals'...