AfricaPress-Tanzania: MONDULI District Commissioner Edward Balele has challenged youth churned out of the compulsory National Service (JKT) to exhibit patriotism and serve their country diligently.

Gracing a pass out parade for 1582 young men and women who had completed the one-month training at 839 KJ Makuyuni Camp on Monday, Mr Balele said the youth had a noble duty of demonstrating how patriotic they had become since enrolling for the mandatory National Youth Service training.

“The training and a host of lessons you were provided with epitomizes what National Service entails, it is therefore prudent to go to the society and prove to them how changed you are,” challenged the area DC.

Mr Balele urged the youth to be highly action-oriented and avoid idling.

Earlier on, head of the income generating arm of the national service (SU MA-JKT) Brig Gen Rajab Mabere commended the batch for finishing the training in spite of the harsh conditions in the area.

Mabere who was representing Head of National Service, Brigadier General Charles Mbuge said the training camp which also serves as an migratory corridor for wild animals traversing between Tarangire and Manyara National Parks presented the youth an uphill climb in completing their course, but thanks to perseverance they managed to do so.

“I therefore urge you to overcome your rage and become law-abiding citizens,” he counselled.

The batch, dubbed ‘Operesheni U chumi wa Kati’ started off the training with 1,593 young men and women, with 11 dropping out along the way for different reasons.

The government announced the re-introduction of compulsory national service in parliament last year, following calls for its revival as a tool for social cohesion.

The service, which involves one year of military training, was established in 1963 by the first president of post-colonial Tanzania, Mwalimu Julius Nyerere.

It was suspended in 1994, due to a lack of funding. In addition to military training, the programme provides training on human rights, civics, and the history of the union of Tanganyika and Zanzibar.

It also aims to impart students with a sense of unity and patriotism.


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