Women’s performance in the oil sector praised

Women's performance in the oil sector praised
Women's performance in the oil sector praised

Africa-Press – Angola. The role of women in the development of the oil sector in the country was highlighted, this Tuesday, during a lecture on the “African female contribution to the creation of new leaders”.

Guided by the national platform Muhatu, in partnership with the Ministry of Mineral Resources, Oil and Gas, the meeting took place in Luanda, as part of the Africa Day celebrations, marked on May 25th.

When speaking, the representative of Muhatu, Deise Bernardo, highlighted the resilience of this segment of society, noting that it has known how to establish itself in areas that were previously underestimated, breaking down barriers.

According to the speaker, female leadership is a valuable act that is linked to assertive behavior.

The participants made reference, among others, to the former minister of the sector Albina Assis, defending greater commitment from the class to increase the figure, currently set at 9%, regarding the leadership position.

Sector data indicate that 15% of women (six thousand employees) represent the workforce in this area, out of a universe of 40 thousand professionals (including men), but only 9% occupy management positions.

In turn, speaker Maria Amadeu considered women’s participation as part of development through social justice and called for greater support for the sector, aiming for true equity.

Muhatu Energy Angola is a platform dedicated to promoting career opportunities and the development of female leadership in the country’s oil sector.

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