Workforce increases to 75% in public institutions

Workforce increases to 75% in public institutions
Workforce increases to 75% in public institutions

Africa-Press – Angola. Two years after being closed, because of the Covid-19 pandemic, clubs and bars open again, from today until February 28, across the country.

The information was released yesterday, in Luanda, by the minister of State and head of the Civil House of the President of the Republic, Adão de Almeida, during the update of the Decree on the State of Public Calamity.

Adão de Almeida considers that after the restrictive measures applied in recent days, they began to take effect, which led the Executive to make some changes to the Presidential Decree, making a balance, giving greater individual responsibility and opening up the exercise of some activities.

Adão de Almeida announced that music shows, nightlife establishments such as clubs, bars and ballroom will work until 5:00 am, with the mandatory presentation of the vaccination certificate or test with a negative result of Covid-19, carried out before 48 hours by citizens.

The head of the Civil House of the President of the Republic said that it is the first time that clubs and bars will be opened after two years of closure, since the State of Calamity was declared.

Nightclubs, he said, must strictly comply with the rules, being subject to a fine of up to 800,000 kwanzas or temporary closure of the establishment.

The leader informed that restaurants and similar can work until midnight every day, without limitation of the workforce. Music and entertainment activities in establishments are now allowed.
Cinemas and theaters are open until midnight, as well as casinos and game rooms are open until 5:00 am.

With the amendment of these measures, Adão de Almeida appealed that individual protection will be essential, so that there is no increase in cases. Public services Public services start working today with a workforce of up to 75 percent. Private services will operate in full, and the opening hours will be in accordance with the nature of the activity that is carried out.

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