Zambian businessmen want to invest in poultry farming in Lunda-Sul

Zambian businessmen want to invest in poultry farming in Lunda-Sul
Zambian businessmen want to invest in poultry farming in Lunda-Sul

Africa-Press – Angola. The Zambian business class is interested in investing in the poultry farming, agricultural, livestock, tourism, mining and trade sectors in the province of Lunda-Sul, revealed the consul general of Zambia in the eastern region of Angola, Boniface Mussumali.

The diplomat expressed his intention during a meeting with the governor of the province, Daniel Neto, having considered this area of ​​the country rich in resources, hence the need for a partnership between local businesspeople and Zambians to implement projects.

Boniface Mussumali raised the possibility of the plan starting to be implemented in the near future.

The interlocutors discussed, among others, topics linked to cooperation between Angola and Zambia, as well as the installation of a consulate for this country in the city of Saurimo.

They also spoke about the possibility of young people from Lunda-Sul undergoing academic and professional technical training in Zambia.

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