Africa-Press – Botswana. Budding author Bonny Ngakane says indigenous entrepreneurs need to be supported with resources so that they can play a pivotal role in the country’s knowledge-based economy.

Speaking at the launch of her book in Gaborone on Thursday, she said empowering indigenous entrepreneurs with modern knowledge would enable them to blend their knowledge with modern technology to brand and package their products for the markets.

Ngakane, also a research supervisor with Botswana Open University has authored a book titled, Praxis of Indigenous Entrepreneurship in Botswana, A shift Towards a Knowledge-Based Economy.

She said her publication had birthed Kitso Boswa, a blue print on how indigenous and modern knowledge could be blended, to promote indigenous entrepreneurship and economic growth.

She said key stakeholders such as government ministries and promoters of indigenous entrepreneurship could adopt the model and use it as a framework to strengthen indigenous business initiatives.

She said the book could be adopted for curriculum in schools, to teach children to be innovative to mitigate unemployment. She added that she was a beneficiary of Ministry of Youth literary works grant.

She said empirical evidence had also proven that indigenous entrepreneurs’ innovations with novel ideas were to be protected through intellectual property laws and patent rights, to guard against theft by big companies.

Representing the National Planning Commission, Khumo Mogaetsho said the title of the book brought a difference to how Batswana did things into the future.

She also said it was strategic as it explained the imperatives in economic development.

The book she said, encouraged opportunities through linkages and value chains through indigenous knowledge and was good in preparing for NDP 12 and implementing the transitional and strategic planning into the NDP 13.

Mogaetsho hailed the author as visionary.

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