Africa-Press – Botswana. The appeals to environmental education, due to climate change and the need for sustainability, are, today, transversal to all societies.
As a scientist once warned, regarding the environment and the impact of climate change around the world, one cannot adopt the procedure according to which what is happening in a certain part of the globe does not affect another area.
Wealth, quality of life, ostentation and access to other goods may be confined more in the Northern Hemisphere, for example, to the point where the inhabitants of the opposite region do not enjoy it in the same proportion. But when it comes to global warming, drought, drought, reduced productivity, among other variables, there is no doubt that the effects quickly relocate to all corners and to all people, either directly, as with the global warming, either indirectly, as with the rise in prices of goods and services around the world.
Environmental education, seen as a set of processes through which the individual and the community build social values, knowledge, skills, attitudes and competences aimed at conserving the environment, is vital today more than ever.
At the end of the National Environment Week, the Minister of Culture, Environment and Tourism, Filipe Zau, highlighted the need for environmental education throughout the country, a prerequisite for us to be able to manage a healthy, sustainable and safe environment.
Today, when we talk about environmental education, perhaps we think about large projects, it is probably taken to think that people must necessarily “study” new subjects or learn a new primer in which the central and eventually unique theme is the environment.
In fact, talking about environmental education should start with simple things, sometimes from home, in which the elementary logic and procedure should be based on the idea that the space in which one cleans every day is no longer clean.
Families, schools, churches, markets, bus stops and taxis, among other areas of greater concentration of people, should serve as true centers from which the foundations for environmental education could radiate. With elementary rules of not throwing anything on the ground, always sweeping the community, properly accommodating the garbage, avoiding throwing waste down the slope and in other inappropriate places, among other procedures, we believe that people would gear up and accept new paradigms in what education environmental concerns.
We need to develop skills that lead us to build social values, knowledge, skills, attitudes and skills aimed at conserving the environment.
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