Africa-Press – Botswana. Government will offer a maximum grant of P60 000 to micro-scale farmers for both livestock and small stock production under Thuo Letlotlo programme.

Introduced with the aim to commercialise the livestock sub-sector, Thuo Letlotlo is an inclusive programme targeting every Motswana wishing to venture into livestock farming.

The programme has 30 various packages such as livestock, small stock, aquaculture, apiculture, and game farming as well as Artificial Insemination.

“This package gives micro-scale farmers a maximum grant amounting to P60 000 without any contribution required from the farmer,” said the Assistant Minister of Agriculture Mr Molebatsi Molebatsi in an interview.

This category is divided into two levels, the first level covers registered destitute persons livestock or small stock ranging from 0 to four.

The second level of the micro scale farming covers individuals with monthly income up to P4 000 or micro-scale farmers with five to 20 herds of cattle or goats.

To qualify for this category, Mr Molebatsi said the applicant must be a Motswana citizen aged 18 and in possession of a valid identity card.

The programme among others requires that suppliers of livestock and inputs should be registered with Botswana Animal Information Traceability System (BAITS) and applicants should also have prescribed toilets in their farms as a mandatory requirement including at micro level.

Just like Temo Letlotlo programme where farmers are required to donate some of their produce, he said Thuo Letlotlo requires a once off of two off-springs after weaning be donated towards the programme.

He urged farmers, cooperatives or any Motswana interested in venturing into livestock sub-sector to visit the ministry’s offices to register for the programme and to get firsthand information.

The second category which is small scale category, covers small, medium and large scale farmers whose monthly income exceeded P4 000.

This category, he said also covered farmers with 21 to 100 herds of cattle, adding that such farmers were assisted with a maximum grant of P200 000.

However, he said farmers in this category would be required to contribute 50 per cent.

In addition Mr Molebatsi explained that the component supported farmers with partial grants and large scale farmers with subsidised loans.

In addition Mr Molebatsi explained that Thuo Letlotlo programme was outcome based, adding that the expectation was for farmers to hit optimum levels of output.

“There will be a reward package for farmers who managed to produce positive results from this programme” he said.

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