Africa-Press – Botswana. Namibia has appreciated the long lasting friendship with Botswana which has given birth to numerous fruitful collaborations.

Speaking at a Joint Ministerial Committee (JMC) of the Trans-Kalahari Railway Line on May 31, Namibia’s Minister of Works and Transport, Mr John Mutorwa paid homage to Botswana for having been a sanctuary for Namibians during the genocide period.

Mr Mutorwa extended gratitude to President Dr Mokgweetsi Masisi and Batswana, adding that Botswana still felt like home to the people of Namibia.

He said the two nations shared historical and long lasting political relations which were solidified after Namibia gained Independence in 1990.

The two countries, he said enjoyed mutual collaborations in areas of economic development, infrastructure development and transportation among others.

The minister thus reaffirmed his commitment, as the co-chair of the JMC, to continue working closely with his counterpart to consolidate strategic cooperation in realising the Trans-Kalahari Railway line and the Dry port facility in Walvis Bay.

Upon visiting the Kazungula Bridge at the invitation by the Minister of Transport and Public Works, Mr Eric Molale, Mr Mutorwa congratulated Botswana government for constructing the majestic facility.

He said the bridge rightly represented regional transportation driving trade and efficient movement of goods and people.

Furthermore, he marveled at the design and strategic location of the bridge at the confluence of the Zambezi and Chobe Rivers nestling at a quad point of Botswana, Namibia, Zambia and Zimbabwe.

Mr Mutorwa also appreciated the operations of the Kazungula One Stop Border Post (OSBP) as he interacted with officers from both Botswana and Zambia.

Minister Molale explained that Kazungula Bridge had turned the once gloomy border crossing through a pontoon between Botswana and Zambia into a geopolitical marvel.

He said the bridge was located where maps showed the world’s only quadripoint of Botswana, Namibia, Zambia and Zimbabwe.

“The bridge has the potential to completely revamp Africa’s economy and transportation situation, from Cape to Cairo,” he said. He also explained that the Kazungula OSBP had improved efficiency and became a port of choice for many travellers and truckers doing businesses across the SADC region.

Furthermore, he said the OSBP was an economic spanner generating massive revenues hence the two countries agreed to form the Kazungula Bridge Authority which was projected to position Botswana and Zambia as global competitors in investment and trade.

Mr Molale added that Botswana and Namibia collaborated in a number of initiatives and shared excellent bilateral relations anchored by long standing historical bonds of solidarity and common cultural heritage.

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