Africa-Press – Botswana. China-funded Ramaeba Primary School in Kazungula is almost complete and with the first enrolment expected this year.

The P80 million state-of -the-art primary school accommodates 560 learners with 14 classrooms, administration block, canteen, library, 15 staff houses, a football field and basketball court.

Speaking during a site visit of the school on Tuesday, the MP for Chobe, Mr Machana Shamukuni expressed appreciation for the project progress despite delays at its commencement in 2019 due to COVID-19 pandemic.

He said the contractors had encountered delays in delivery of building materials due to material being sourced outside Chobe.

Upon completion, Mr Shamukuni said, the school would reduce congestion in schools brought about by the rapid growing population in Kasane and Kazungula.

Mr Shamukuni who is also Minister of Justice said Ramaeba Primary School was a monumental facility with state- of-the-art amenities that suitable for modern day learning environment.

The project technical leader, Mr Bao Jinghui said the project was nearing completion with only minor elements left to finalise.

He said water drainage system and connection to the buildings was completed while they awaited allocation of a water meter from Water Utilities Corporation.

Mr Bao said initial date of completion was December 2023 but it was however postponed due to amendments of designs and coordinates which was approved by both Botswana and Chinese governments.

Moreover he said the project had experienced delays because materials like concrete, river sand and paving bricks were sourced from Mosetse.

He said pavement of the school and teachers quarters would be done once the bricks were delivered adding that the rest of furniture for the classrooms and admin block had been delivered on site.

The Acting director in the Ministry of Education and Skills Development- Chobe region, Ms Tetlanyo Chipendo said their office held consultations with Kazungula village leadership to demarcate and apportion learners suitably within Kasane, Plateau, Kazungula and Lesoma Primary schools to feed Ramaeba primary school.

She said the regional office has already identified teachers who would be transferred to the new school once it was officially completed and handed over.

Ms Chipendo said the inaugural intake for Ramaeba Primary School was projected to enrol standard one to five and 64 learners in reception class.

She expressed contentment with the school furniture that included lockers noting that this would reduce the burden of students carrying many books to school everyday.

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