SpaceX Doubles Price for Starlink Global Roaming Plan

SpaceX Doubles Price for Starlink Global Roaming Plan
SpaceX Doubles Price for Starlink Global Roaming Plan

Africa-Press – Botswana. SpaceX’s Starlink has announced a steep price increase for its global roaming plan, which offers satellite internet service worldwide. This plan has been popular among users in countries where the service is not officially available.

On Thursday night, SpaceX notified subscribers of the “Mobile – Global” plan via email about the price hike. Previously, U.S. users paid $200 per month for the service, but this will now double to $400 per month. The new rate will take effect on August 16 for existing customers, while new customers will face the higher price immediately.

The price increase is affecting users in other countries as well. An Australian user reported an increase from 300 Australian dollars to 670, and a customer in Zambia noted a similar rise.

SpaceX has been addressing the use of the global roaming plan in African countries where Starlink is not officially available. Last month, the company emailed subscribers in Africa to clarify that the “Mobile – Regional” plans are intended for temporary travel, not permanent use. This raised concerns from NGOs, who urged SpaceX to maintain Starlink access in Sudan amid internet blackouts caused by civil conflict.

Despite the increase in the global plan, the “Mobile – Regional” roaming plan remains at $150 per month.

SpaceX has also increased prices for other plans. Some U.S. residential subscribers have seen their monthly fees rise from $90 to $120, which the company attributes to changing capacity limits in their areas.

In Ghana, the administrative processes for licensing Starlink are underway.

Starlink, a subsidiary of SpaceX, operates a network of low-Earth orbit satellites providing high-speed broadband internet. The standard residential internet service costs $120 per month for unlimited data, with a one-time equipment fee ranging from $599 to $2,500.

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