Fogo: Former owner is sad about the low participation and considers reinvesting in two or three horses next year

Fogo: Former owner is sad about the low participation and considers reinvesting in two or three horses next year
Fogo: Former owner is sad about the low participation and considers reinvesting in two or three horses next year

Africa-Press – Cape verde. Former horse owner Raul Fernandes, better known as Raul Bob, showed up, on Monday the 29th, at the final of the horse race, saddened by the poor participation of horses in this year’s race.

Raul Bob has always been an admirer of horses and when he was still a child he would travel from the city to the port of Vale dos Cavaleiros when horses arrived from other islands to participate in the equestrian race, there is no shortage of races taking place on the island although at the moment there is no have horses.

He confessed that after starting to work and accumulating some resources, he invested in acquiring horses and there came a time when he had more than a dozen “good” horses in his stable, which allowed him to run races on the island of Fogo (São Filipe and Mosteiros), Santiago (Praia), S. Vicente and Boa Vista.

According to him, he won the equestrian event on the island of Fogo seven times in a row and there was even an occasion when the first three places were won by his horses, highlighting that it was thanks to him that other owners invested in acquiring good horses. and pressured the then mayor, Luís Pires, to build the current runway.

Raul Bob remembers that at the time he owned horses there were difficulties in doing series of three horses each, but nowadays it is “sad to see that the number of horses is not enough to do a high number of series

The former horse owner is considering the purchase of two or three horses and guarantees that next year the horse race on the Day of the Municipality and the Flag of São Filipe will feature more horses on the track, despite harshly criticizing the organization of the test.

“Only the members of the commission understand the current regulations because before, if a horse reached the finish line without its jockey it would be eliminated”, said Raul Bob, highlighting that one of the reasons that leads him to consider acquiring horses is the functioning of the race and these regulations to avoid stopping at the courthouse.

Regarding the six horses that competed in the final phase of the race on Monday, Raul Bob said that “they are all good horses” and that anyone could win.

Raul Bob is absent from the horse race due to the unfriendly situation at the track, but his love for equestrianism and the horse does not allow him to stay away from the track, but without rooting for this or another horse because all the owners are known.

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