Boa Vista: Documentary “Tarturismo”  was shown on the island on the World Sea Turtle Day

Boa Vista: Documentary “Tarturismo”  was shown on the island on the World Sea Turtle Day
Boa Vista: Documentary “Tarturismo”  was shown on the island on the World Sea Turtle Day

Africa-Press – Cape verde. The author and director Mário Cabral presented this Thursday, in debut, on the Boa Vista Island the documentary “Tarturismo”, which aims to promote tourism on the island versus protection of sea turtles.

The documentary had already been screened this year at the International Sample of Atlantic Films in Praia, and at the fourth Amazon del Plata film festival in Argentina, now it was the turn of the presentation to the Boa Vista public on the World Sea Turtle Day.

“For us it is a pride this debut on the Boa Vista Island because this was always the idea that had been postponed because of the pandemic,” producer Mário Cabral told Inforpress, who said that in the future, the documentary will be shown to the island’s communities.

About “Tarturismo”, 52 minutes, which demonstrates the work done for preservation and conservation of turtles by the NGO Bios.CV during the period 2015/2017, the producer said that since then there have been many changes in the preservation, treatment and equipment used, but despite the changes, there are still many of the problems in related to tourism.

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