Mohieldin participates in a coordinating efforts meeting in preparation for COP27

Mohieldin participates in a coordinating efforts meeting in preparation for COP27
Mohieldin participates in a coordinating efforts meeting in preparation for COP27

Africa-Press – Cape verde. Dr. Mahmoud Mohieldin, UN Climate Change High Level Champion for Egypt, participated on Sunday in a meeting held by the Egyptian Exchange to coordinate efforts for the UN Climate Change Conference (COP27) in Sharm El Sheikh next November.

Mohieldin explained that there are three tracks of efforts for the preparation for COP27. First of them is the governmental track that Ambassador Sameh Shokri, Minister of Foreign Affairs, and Dr Yasmine Fouad, Minister of Environment, are working on in coordination with the rest of the Egypt government under the direct supervision of president Abdel Fattah Elsisi.

The second track of efforts, according to Mohieldin, relates to civil society, private sector and other non governmental entities, while the third track relates to youth and the new generation that will have a vital role in the COP27, and will have their word about the the other two tracks, stressing that youth is an important part of the conference.

Egypt champion for the climate change said that COP27 aims to curb global heating by 1.5 degrees, and reaching NetZero emmissions as a result, by 2050, adding that “we didn’t achieve this goal to the moment despite all promises and pledges”.

“The share of Africa countries of harm emissions doesn’t exceed 3% in comparison with the shares of China and USA, which are 30% and 14% respectively.”, Mohieldin said. Stressing that Africa should receive it’s share of investments in climate projects, specially that the countries of the continent aren’t responsible for the harm caused by the developed countries.

He said that COP27 considers a number of goals which include the comprehension of the issues of poverty, the actual implementation of the climate change resilience measurements, consideration of the regional prospect, domiciliation of sustainable development through projects held in different cities and villages such as “Decent Life” initiative, and finally the financing and investment in climate projects as been pledged in Copenhagen conference (100 billion dollars), and also increasing the investment of the private sector in those projects.

“Financing climate projects should take the shape of investment, not loans, this is a priority.” Mohieldin said, adding that COP27 preparation meetings aim to list number of climate projects that benefit of the previous 130 trillion dollars financing sum.

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