Africa-Press – Cape verde. Parliament announced this Wednesday that the final vote on the legislation approving the PCFR for teaching staff and the bill creating a special income as a counterpart to the right to public lighting will take place on Friday, the 24th, the last day of the parliamentary session.
The bill approving the Career, Functions and Remuneration Plan (PCFR) was initially about to be removed from the agenda of this afternoon’s plenary session by the president of parliament, Austelino Correia, due to an appeal by the PAICV (opposition), alleging “non-compliance with the requirement”, but it ended up being voted on after a request filed by the MpD.
Approved at the meeting of the Specialized Committee, this bill remained on the agenda for the final overall vote with votes in favor from the MpD, abstention from the UCID and against from the PAICV.
The PCFR for Teaching Staff determines an increase in the base salary from $78,000.00 to $91,000.00 for teachers with a degree and from $24,000.00 to $55,000.00 for non-graduates, $73,000.00 for kindergarten teachers with a degree and $37,000.00 for kindergarten teachers without a degree.
It regularizes pending promotions, by granting up to three promotions automatically, and in cases where the reclassification is less favorable than the promotion, the reclassification is disregarded and the promotions are made in terms of years of service.
Increases the salary increment resulting from the change in level through career progression, integrated in the Functional Framework Group (GEF) 5 of the transitional salary scale, increasing this increment from 2 thousand escudos to 5 thousand escudos, with the career progression ending in a salary of 136 thousand escudos.
Increases the bonus of performance credits to 210,000$00 for teachers with a master’s degree and 280,000$00 for teachers with a doctorate degree, enabling rapid career progression, earning a better salary after obtaining these academic degrees.
The PCFR for Teaching Staff also provides for the inclusion of the subsidy for non-reduction of working hours in the calculation of the retirement pension, a right acquired with the entry into force of the 1997 Teaching Staff Statute, but eliminated in the 2015 Teaching Staff Statute.
Regarding the proposed law that creates a special income as a counterpart to the right of use and defines the form of payment for public lighting costs, the Minister of Industry and Energy, Alexandre Monteiro, stressed that he will resolve the costs of public lighting, which have been long-standing complaints from the population.
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