Transportes Aéreos: Bestfly clarifies that social tariff was suspended due to technical failure

Transportes Aéreos: Bestfly clarifies that social tariff was suspended due to technical failure
Transportes Aéreos: Bestfly clarifies that social tariff was suspended due to technical failure

Africa-Press – Cape verde. BestFly Cabo Verde By TICV guaranteed, in a statement, that it did not deliberately suspend the social tariff. What happened, he said, was a temporary suspension, due to technical limitations, which are now “completely resolved”.

“The situation, which dates back to May of this year, resulted from a technical problem during the migration of the technological reservation system, which led to the non-appearance of the Social-Class S fare family in the flight search results”, explained the company. .

However, he assured, as soon as the problem was identified and notified by the regulatory authority, he assumed the commitment to seek a solution, as urgent as possible.

“It was last Friday, June 10th, that the technical team completed the development that would allow the Social Tariff to be made available again, both at Travel Agencies, as well as through the airline’s website at ” , he explained.

The technical process, he said, was concluded on 14 June and came into force in both sales channels on the 15th, and it is now possible to reserve the fare in question.

BestFly Cabo Verde by TICV also clarifies that, despite decree-law 54/2019, declaring that the airline must comply with a quota of at least 10% of seats in social fare, on all routes, within a period of one year. civil service, applied, on all its flights, a quota of 10% of its seats in the Social – Class S family.

Also, for the Family Promo fare, a quota of 20% on all its flights, “regardless of high or low season”. The company apologizes for the inconvenience caused.

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