US Resolution 174 a foundation for the pro-democracy movement to push for the implementation of targeted sanctions against human rights violators in eSwatini

US Resolution 174 a foundation for the pro-democracy movement to push for the implementation of targeted sanctions against human rights violators in eSwatini
US Resolution 174 a foundation for the pro-democracy movement to push for the implementation of targeted sanctions against human rights violators in eSwatini

Africa-Press – Eswatini. Velaphi Mamba, a human rights defender in eSwatini who recently graduated from the Harvard University in United States(US) says, the recently passed US Congress Resolution 174 is actually a foundation for the implementation of targeted sanctions against human rights violators in eSwatini.

Speaking on Sunday on his Visionary Perspective program, Mamba who doubles as the Treasurer General of the People’s United Democratic Movement(PUDEMO) and was seen on numerous occasions with lawyer Christopher Coons, the US Senator who successfully facilitated Resolution 174, described the resolution as a victory for the Mass Democratic Movement(MDM).

Eswatini is ruled by King Mswati as an absolute Monarch, political parties are banned while independent journalists, political activists and human rights defenders are arrested, tortured or even killed for demanding democracy or criticizing the Monarchy or Government.

Human rights lawyer Thulani Maseko,the Chairperson of the pro-democracy MultiStakeholder Forum(MSF) was assassinated allegedly through joint operation involving the police, soldiers and mercenaries after King Mswati made threats against those calling for democracy saying, his mercenaries will deal with them.

“The harassment of journalists, the harassment of human rights defenders, taking people into exile, taking people into jail unnecessarily like Bacede Mabuza and Mthandeni Dube for example and other political prisoners that are in the country’s jails. All those human rights violations are actually a basis on their own,they can trigger sanctions on Swaziland already”, said the human rights defender.

Government Spokesperson Alpheous Nxumalo had not responded at the time of compiling this report.

The United States(US) Parliament passed a historic resolution on eSwatini amid human rights violations and killing of human rights defenders,including human rights lawyer Thulani Maseko.

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