AUC Chairperson Stresses Need for Africa to Strengthen Multilateral Relationship with Int’l Community

AUC Chairperson Stresses Need for Africa to Strengthen Multilateral Relationship with Int’l Community
AUC Chairperson Stresses Need for Africa to Strengthen Multilateral Relationship with Int’l Community

Africa-Press – Ethiopia. Chairperson of the African Union Commission (AUC), Moussa Faki Mahamat stressed the need for Africa to strengthen its multilateral relationship with the international community to make the continent’s voice heard by focusing on a partnership with the world in accordance with the specific needs of Africans.

During the opening ceremony of the 36th AU summit, the Chairperson of the AU Commission explained the challenges that Africa is facing including the economic crisis, citing the high inflation.

According to him, economic crises are on the rise and not enough infrastructures have been built as expected across the continent.

Political stability, state fragility, violent extremism and unconstitutional change of governments in member countries are still challenges facing the continent, he pointed out.

The AU has taken action against these unconstitutional change of governments even though these punitive efforts have not brought the expected fruits, he said urging the AU Security Council to do more in the fight against these continental threats.

“Despite all these challenges, thanks to the determination, unity and tireless efforts of member states, the continent has been able to overcome all these problems and register more growth.” Musa said.

It takes a lot of work in the fight against terrorism since countries are fighting alone; AUC chairperson added, stressing the importance of strengthening multilateral African relationship with the international community to make the African voice heard.

He further indicated that Africans must contribute their part in the national reconstruction of countries destroyed by wars and natural disasters.

The AU has invested its efforts fully in resolving disagreements across the continent, citing the peace agreement between the Ethiopian government and the TPLF under the auspices of the AU.

He thanked Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed for his determination in concluding this historic agreement.

The chairperson reiterated that more efforts are needed to break out of the vicious circle by achieving integration among AU members in order to make the continent strong and prosperous.

“We must strengthen the implementation of the African passport, the free movement of citizens from member states to other member countries of the AU,” AUC chairperson underlined.

He underlined the need to give utmost priority to strengthen trade protection with a view to strengthening the ongoing efforts to realizing economic integration the continent.

The Chairperson has also called on member states to exert efforts to expedite the development activities in the areas of infrastructure, energy and digitalization as they are prerequisites to realizing the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA).

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