Benefits of adding whole grains to your diet

Benefits of adding whole grains to your diet
Benefits of adding whole grains to your diet

Africa-Press – Ethiopia. Whole grains are very essential in the human diet. The common whole grains include oatmeal, millet, brown rice, barley, and sorghum. Similarly, products made from these foods are called whole grain foods. These include certain bread types and some breakfast cereals. However, not everything that reads ‘whole grain’ is necessarily healthy thus the need to read about the ingredients of the food package.

These cereals are very healthy and here are some of the benefits they give when added to a human diet.

High levels of nutrients and fibre

Isaiah Munene, a nutritionist says whole grains have bran which provides high levels of fibre.

“Additionally, they have vitamins more so B vitamins alongside folate, thiamine and niacin. The minerals are also available such as zinc, manganese, iron, and magnesium. They also have forgetting proteins, and antioxidants such as Phytic acid, lignans, and ferulic acid. While the nutrient content varies from one grain to another, they are loaded with them thus healthy for our consumption,” he says.

Lower risks of obesity

Whole grain foods are high in fibre and consuming these means one easily gets filled up.

“Unlike refined foods, fibre-rich foods fill one up so fast which prevents excessive eating which is why high-fibre foods are ideal for weight loss regimens. Conversely, they will deter obesity because you are to eat three whole-grain servings religiously, your body mass index will reduce considerably,” Munene says.

Reduce stroke occurrence

Owing to high fibre content, eating whole grains help the body lower the levels of LDL cholesterol which clogs the blood vessels.

“That also helps in lowering the chances of you suffering from a stroke. Additionally, whole grains have Vitamin K, and antioxidants which further help in lowering the chances of a stroke happening,” Nakimuli says.

Enhance proper digestion

The fibre content in whole grains is such an important component because it helps one’s body in various ways. For instance, fibre eases digestion while giving bulk to stool thus doing away with constipation.

“Some of the fibre also acts as prebiotics which is good gut bacteria food. That further leads to good digestive system health,” Munene says.

Lowers risk of Type 2 diabetes

Eating whole grains means that one’s body can maintain good blood sugar levels.

“For instance, when choosing between rolled oats and instant oatmeal, your best option is rolled oats as these have a lower glycaemic index. Glycaemic index is a measure of how fast a certain food is digested by the body. Whole grains are digested over a long period of time thus slowly and steadily releasing sugar into the body. The reverse is true for highly processed oats. Additionally, refined grains may also have processed sugars which are unhealthy yet whole grains have natural sugars,” Nakimuli says.

Reduces chronic inflammation

Owing to the fibre content, Munene says eating whole grains will help in reducing systemic inflammation.

“This condition happens when you have chronic illnesses, stress or infections. Therefore, the body’s immune system is constantly defending it. However, with the health benefits such as lowering the risk of obesity, stroke, heart disease, eating whole grains means the body will put off the occurrence of chronic inflammation,” Munene says.

However as health as whole grains are, they might not be healthy for some people with conditions such as:

Celiac disease

Nakimuli says if one has celiac disease or gluten sensitivity, they cannot consume whole grains or whole grain foods.

“Whole grains such as wheat have gluten, a protein type that some people are allergic to. Others have gluten sensitivity or celiac disease which leaves them with joint pains, indigestion, and fatigue when they consume these foods,” she says.

Lower your risk of heart disease

One of the best advantages of adding whole grains into a diet is that they lower one’s risk of heart disease. “When refined grains are replaced with whole grains helps to reduce LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol) so that the body only remains with the good cholesterol. That is because of the high fibre content which eases digestion thus reducing the amount of fat that clogs up the vessels,” Irene Nakimuli, a nutritionist says.

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