Civil Society Organizations Urged to Play Role in Strengthening Voice of Global South

Civil Society Organizations Urged to Play Role in Strengthening Voice of Global South
Civil Society Organizations Urged to Play Role in Strengthening Voice of Global South

Africa-Press – Ethiopia. Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in Ethiopia should play critical role in strengthening the voice of the Global South, Foreign Affairs State Minister Misganu Arga underscored.

The state minister opened a consultative workshop on Ethiopia’s admission to BRICS today.

In his remarks, Misganu gave a historical context of Ethiopia’s remarkable legacy in participating in the establishment of international organizations. He recalled that the country is one of the founding members of the League of Nations.

According to him, this demonstrates Ethiopia’s extensive participation in shaping international affairs and cooperation.

Emphasizing the importance of Ethiopia’s joining the BRICS, the state minister stressed that “our alpha and omega is the national interest of Ethiopia.”

He further elaborated that “Ethiopia has an interest in this emerging bloc because we believe that there are opportunities to promote Ethiopia’s national interest on international issues with countries that are partners or share the same position on international affairs. More importantly, we are determined to ensure domestic and universal prosperity.”

Therefore, we did not join the ideological camp rather BRICS that entertain diverse voices. In this way, we are not supporting anyone; but we are standing for our national interest. “It is not an approach of opening one door and closing the other,” he stressed.

For him, the BRICS family is the most economically influential and trading partner group. The bloc would give opportunity to the country in order to find alternative development finance through multilateralism.

As Ethiopia has been fighting for a long time to become participative and inclusive of the world order, it will play a vital role for global south-south cooperation, Misganu elaborated.

Joining the BRICS, which manages 30 percent of the world GDP, means a lot to accelerate the Ethiopian economy.

Civil Society Organizations have, therefore, an irreplaceable role in strengthening the voice of the Global South. “As the collaborations and sectors are many, your role should be consolidated,” he noted.

The state minister pointed out that the nation will continue creating an enabling environment for the better engagement of Civil Society Organizations in the country’s national interest.

Authority for Civil Society Organizations Director-General, Samson Biratu said on his part that CSOs are keen to contribute their part in the country’s reformed foreign policy and international engagements.

He emphasized that Civil Society Organizations should serve as ambassadors of Ethiopia at the global venue and advocate for the strength of multilateralism as well as inclusiveness.

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