Construction of Dilla Industrial Park Completed: Corporation

Construction of Dilla Industrial Park Completed: Corporation
Construction of Dilla Industrial Park Completed: Corporation

Africa-PressEthiopia. Addis Ababa January 7/2021 (ENA) The construction of Dilla Industrial Park in the Ethiopian South Nations, Nationalities and Peoples’ Regional State has been completed, regional Industrial Parks Development Corporation disclosed.

Dilla Industrial Park is one of the parks planed to be constructed in the region with a cost of over half a billion birr.

The construction of Yirgachefe Industrial Park is also nearing completion, it was indicated.

A delegation led by Deputy Chief Administrator of Southern Nations, Nationalities and People’s Region, Ristu Yirdaw visited on-going works of the construction.

During the visit, General Manager of the Corporation, Birru Wolde said Dilla and Yirgachefe Industrial Parks can accommodate an average of 20 factory sheds.

According to him, the Dilla Industrial Park, whose construction work was commenced two years ago on 20-hectares of land, is now fully completed.

Hence, the park is currently open for investors and associations who are interested in coffee processing, animal husbandry, fruit and honey production, he added.

The parks are also equipped with capacity building centers that render training to farmers in order to modernize the agricultural sector, the manager said.

“So far, more than 400 million birr has been spent for the construction,” he said adding that the parks are expected to create jobs for thousands of Ethiopians.

Deputy Chief of the Regional State, Ristu Yirdaw on his part said the parks are being set up with the intention to supply value added agricultural products and import substitution.

The parks will expand Ethiopia’s share in foreign trade and enhance the benefits of farmers by creating industrial linkages among the parks, he pointed out.

According to Ristu, priority will be given to associations and investors who wish to engage in business activities in the parks that would boost the benefit of farmers.

Head of Gedeo Zone Agriculture and Natural Resources Bureau, Tegene Tadesse said efforts are being made to enable local farmers to provide standard products to the industries.

He said more than 12 million improved coffee and fruit seedlings have been planted by organizing framers in cluster.

Ethiopia has been working in the development of industrial parks across the nation with a view to creating more jobs, enhancing foreign direct investment and technology transfer.


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