Dev’t Across Boundaries of Regions Vital to Sustainable Development: PM Abiy

Dev’t Across Boundaries of Regions Vital to Sustainable Development: PM Abiy
Dev’t Across Boundaries of Regions Vital to Sustainable Development: PM Abiy

Africa-PressEthiopia. Addis Ababa January 26/2021 (ENA) The implementation of peace and collective development agreements within the internal and administrative boundaries of regions will have a significant impact on the country’s sustainable development, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed underscored.

The premier extended sincere gratitude to the leaders of Oromia and Somali regions for their exemplary work to collaborate in areas of peace and development project along their common borders.

The two regions signed on Monday a five-year cooperation agreement that cost over 222.7 million Birr to build peace and economically integrated people of the regions along their common borders.

The project is expected to be executed in 12 zones of 48 Woredas bordering Oromia and Somalia regional states, it was learned.

Prime Minister Abiy wrote on face-book today that the implementation of peace and collective development agreements within the internal and administrative boundaries of regions will have a significant impact on the country’s sustainable development.

“We will bring prosperity to all parts of our country through peace and development,” Abiy added.


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