Ethiopia, DR Congo Vow to Enhance Partnership

Ethiopia, DR Congo Vow to Enhance Partnership
Ethiopia, DR Congo Vow to Enhance Partnership

Africa-PressEthiopia. Addis Ababa January 27/2021 (ENA) President Sahle-Work Zewde held discussion with President of the Democratic Republic of Congo, Felix Tshisekedion on bilateral, regional, and continental issues.

During the discussion, the two officials highlighted the importance of enhancing the partnership between the two countries.

President Sahle-Work during the discussion announced that activities to reopen Ethiopia’s diplomatic representation to the DR Congo are underway saying “We are back in Kinshasa”.

According to office of the president, the Ethiopian embassy in Kinshasa was opened in 1962, right after the independence of the DR Congo, but had to close due to economic constraints.

The two countries have an aviation agreement and Ethiopian Airlines flies to multiple cities including Kinshasa, Lubumbashi and Goma, the office added.

President Tshisekedi will be taking over the AU chairmanship from the South African President next week, it was learned.

In keeping with the principle of finding African solutions to African problems, he will be presiding over the tripartite negotiations on the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam.

Sahle–Work also briefed the Congolese president on the law enforcement operation that was undertaken by the Ethiopian government in the Tigray region.

Furthermore, she informed the President about the rehabilitation, peace building, and humanitarian assistance currently underway in the region.

It is to be recalled that President Sahlework headed to the DR Congo on Tuesday for a working visit after concluding her visit to Tanzania where she had similar bilateral discussions with President John Magufuli.


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