Ministry Briefs Asian Ambassadors on Current National, Regional Issues

Ministry Briefs Asian Ambassadors on Current National, Regional Issues
Ministry Briefs Asian Ambassadors on Current National, Regional Issues

n style=”color: #ff6600;”>Africa-PressEthiopia. Addis Ababa February 14/2021 ( ENA) State Minister for Foreign Affairs, Redwan Hussien on Saturday briefed to resident ambassadors and diplomats of Asian countries on the current situations in Ethiopia.

The discussion was focused on national and regional issues including the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) negotiations and Ethio-Sudan border issues, according to Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Redwan also explained at the backdrop of the trumped up politics around the number and access issues with regard to the assistance to Ethiopians in Tigray, the share of government to that of partners has 70 percent to 30 percent preponderance so far.

The sham information being released on social media regarding Tigray are unfounded and do not reflect the reality on the ground, the State Minister said.


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