Patriots Association President Urges Youth to Defend Peace, Stability

Patriots Association President Urges Youth to Defend Peace, Stability
Patriots Association President Urges Youth to Defend Peace, Stability

Africa-PressEthiopia. Addis Ababa February 19/2021 (ENA) Ethiopian Patriots Association President Lij Daniel Jote has urged the youth to vigilantly defend peace and stability of the country.

Speaking to ENA, Ethiopian Patriots Association President Lij Daniel Jote said the new generation has to remember, know and understand what their forefathers went through to preserve the sovereignty and integrity of the country.

“I pray and urge the youth to protect the constitution and their country, work with the government and fight those that are trying to destabilize Ethiopia,” he stated.

Ethiopians have fought enemies that tried to conquer and destabilize the country, regardless of their differences, the president noted.

They have never tried to conquer their neighbors. However, the president indicated that the presence of external enemies working against Ethiopia makes the country stronger.

He stated that present day Ethiopians are lucky in that Ethiopia is undergoing through a change, though there are some problems.

According to him, the Ethiopian Patriots Association is trying to shape the youth by making the youth remember, know and understand the sacrifices Ethiopian forefathers paid.

Members of the Ethiopian Patriots Association, officials and residents of Addis Ababa observed the 84th Anniversary of Martyrs Day in Addis Ababa today.

The Martyrs’ Day is marked every year, February 19/20, to remember the over 30,000 Ethiopians massacred by Fascist Italian troops.


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