PM Proposes Key Initiatives to Strengthen, Shape Future Korea-Africa Partnership

PM Proposes Key Initiatives to Strengthen, Shape Future Korea-Africa Partnership
PM Proposes Key Initiatives to Strengthen, Shape Future Korea-Africa Partnership

Africa-Press – Ethiopia. Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed has proposed three key initiatives in order to strengthen and shape the future of the Korea-Africa partnership.

A two-day South Korea-Africa Summit which brought together representatives from 48 African countries kicked off in Seoul today.

In his speech at the opening of the summit, Prime Minister Abiy proposed initiatives that centered around sustainable and shared growth in various sectors.

“Firstly,” the premier said “let’s lay the groundwork for the Africa-Korea institute of science and technology that would allow technology transfer and foster collaborative research towards industrialization.”

And then by pinpointing common interests, we can kick-start cooperative projects and programs aimed at nurturing industrial and economic development across Africa.

“As the seat of the African Union and Ethiopia’s privatization of the ICT sector, Addis Ababa stands ready to welcome such an institute,” he added.

Secondly, the premier proposed a comprehensive cooperation for smart mobility would be mutually beneficial.

“This initiative will focus on advancing smart and sustainable urban development throughout Africa. It involves implementing intelligent transportation systems, promoting the adoption of electric smart vehicles and fostering smart city partnerships to address mobility challenges effectively,” the PM said.

Abiy shared in this regard Ethiopia’s experience about how it is aggressively investing on urbanization.

“In Ethiopia, we are prioritizing the transformation of grey to green cities through various sustainability interventions including restricting the import of non-electric vehicles.”

The third initiative proposed by the prime minister concern artificial intelligence and technological innovations to expedite digital transformation across all sectors and create new sectors.

According to him, this is crucial for enhancing efficiency, driving economic growth, and improving the quality of life by leveraging cutting edge technologies to address complex challenges and unlock new opportunities

Besides, the Ethiopian PM proposed an action plan for security that will enable synchronization of African food sovereignty efforts with Korea smart farming technologies.

“The goal is to boost agricultural productivity while advocating for smart and sustainable farming practices.”

The PM expressed confidence that expanded development cooperation with the Korea-Africa platform will significantly contribute to fostering innovative, smart green value added in digitalized growth.

“Let’s seize the vast potential of Korea Africa relations to generate fresh momentum for sustainability. Together, we can forge forward looking strategic partnerships that not only make a lasting impact, but also leave a hopeful legacy for future generations.”

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