Saudi, Ethiopia Hold 6th Joint Ministerial Commission Meeting

Saudi, Ethiopia Hold 6th Joint Ministerial Commission Meeting
Saudi, Ethiopia Hold 6th Joint Ministerial Commission Meeting

Africa-Press – Ethiopia. The 6th Ethio-Saudi Joint Ministerial Commission meeting was held in Riyadh from 21-22 May 2024.

A delegation led by the Foreign Minister of Ethiopia Ambassador Taye Atske-selassie participated in the meeting.

Ethiopia and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia have long-standing diplomatic relations and cooperation.

The two countries discussed on ways of further strengthening the existing relations.

At the end of the meeting, the two sides signed agreement to enhance cooperation in the fields of peace and security, trade, investment, livestock, agriculture, infrastructure, energy, and minerals.

On the sidelines of the meeting, Ambassador Taye Atske-Selassie discussed with the Minister of Environment, Water and Agriculture of Saudi Arabia on further exploiting areas of cooperation in trade and investment in livestock resources.

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