Terrorist TPLF Demonstrating Continued Hatred of Tigray People: Tigray Democratic Party Chairman

Terrorist TPLF Demonstrating Continued Hatred of Tigray People: Tigray Democratic Party Chairman
Terrorist TPLF Demonstrating Continued Hatred of Tigray People: Tigray Democratic Party Chairman

Africa-Press – Ethiopia. The terrorist TPLF has continued to show its hatred for the people of Tigray by using the humanitarian aid delivered to the inhabitants of the region for its own benefits, Tigray Democratic Party (TDP) Chairman Aregawi Berhe said.

The chairman revealed that the terrorist group has continued to commit the worst misuses by taking a ride on the back of the people and abusing the people,

He stated that the terrorist TPLF is looting and confiscating humanitarian aid delivered to the region from the federal government and various bodies. This has subjected and the people to hardship and misery.

Recall the unforgivable TPLF attack on the Northern Command of the National Defense Force two years ago.

TDP Chairman Aregawi Berhe elaborated that the terrorist group has demonstrated that it is the enemy of mothers, children and the general population by looting food, medicines and other materials sent to the people of Tigray.

For example, three years ago, 250 ambulances sent to mothers in Tigray by the federal government were used as military transport, he noted.

Furthermore, the chairman pointed out that the terrorist group is trying hard to prolong its life by extending the war so that it will not be held responsible for the atrocities it has committed in the country for 27 years.

According to him, the terrorist TPLF is a destructive group that does not give room for dialogue and seek peace.

Tigray Region Prosperity Party branch member, Baryagaebr Abay said on his part that the terrorist group is an enemy of the people that has been betraying the people of Tigray since 1974, and continues to do the same.

Since it attacked the Northern Command of the National Defense Force, which was supporting and protecting the people of Tigray, it has been engaged in war until now. It is anti-peace, he added.

Even now, the group is committing abuses against the people of Tigray by averting humanitarian aid from reaching them.

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