UNSC Does Not in Any way Reflect Global South, Africa: AU Political, Peace & Security Commissioner

UNSC Does Not in Any way Reflect Global South, Africa: AU Political, Peace & Security Commissioner
UNSC Does Not in Any way Reflect Global South, Africa: AU Political, Peace & Security Commissioner

Africa-Press – Ethiopia. The current UN Security Council (UNSC) does not in anyway reflect the Global South and Africa, which constitutes over 20 percent of the UN member states, AU Political Affairs, Peace & Security Commissioner Bankole Adeoye said.

Ethiopia has been pushing for Africa to have permanent seats at the UN Security Council on several occasions including at AU summits.

For Instance during the 35th Ordinary Session of the African Union (AU) Prime Minister Abiy Abiy Ahmed underscored that Africans deserve permanent seats at the UNSC.

“This is particularly through of the United Nations. We as Africans lack representation in the Security Council and are underrepresented in a variety of ways. It is the right time to reform and revitalize the United Nations system to reflect current global realities and ensure that a more representative body with only fair representation and transparency in those institutions can usher in a just era in multilateralism, ” the premier stressed.

A roundtable discussion was recently held in Addis Ababa to discuss about how to achieve a reform at the UNSC where diplomatic corps based in the capital participated.

During the discussion, Commissioner Adeoye pointed out that the world remembers Africa when they need its solidarity in the UN General Assembly, and it is battling with its own challenges.

However, Africa is a formidable force that could potentially be strongly united, resilient and influential, he stated, and stressed that “54 member states in the UN system that is already over 20 percent that can be a force to reckon with, but we are not at the table.”

Adeoye added that Africa is not at the most important round-table that speaks about peace and security in the world.

“Multilateralism cannot be what we see in the current composition of the UNSC. It is not inclusive, equitable, representative, democratic; and it is not in anyway reflecting the Global South. It does not reflect Africa as we want. So, we want a united, resilient Africa that would promote the sustainable development goals but also lead to the next level,” the Commissioner stressed.

The negotiations and process and reform package of the UNSC reform has been going on for decades, Ambassador Bakole stated.

According to him, promoting global identity and shared values are crucial to achieve the reform which currently are missing in the UNSC.

Adeoye underscored that “there is no way we are going to have a council that is reformed and does not speak to the shared values of all UN member states as humanity.”

Also, the veto is not democratic, he pointed out, and noted “I can imagine in our national systems, intergovernmental institutions there is nowhere that veto is exercised recklessly, consistently, and without restrain.”

But in this case, autocracy at national level is condemned while veto system is put in place at international level that blocks reasonable and most efficient use for international diplomacy.

“What the AU is saying is that we want to be a strong united influential player in the international system; and that means that we must use all the arrows we have to make sure we bring peace and stability to our continent and to the world and effectively.”

Finally, Adeoye underlined that Africa wants the UN to reform its council “because our issues will be reflected based on what we believe are globally shared values, shared experiences and lessons, and the action that comes with whichever process.”

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