FSQA confirms presence of “Sniper” in smoked fish

FSQA confirms presence of “Sniper” in smoked fish
FSQA confirms presence of “Sniper” in smoked fish

Africa-Press – Gambia. In press release on Friday 15 July, 2022, FSQA says laboratory test results confirm this development. The full text of the release can be read below:

“In June 2022 there was a Public Outcry on the purported use of Pesticides in Particular SNIPER on Smoked Fish by Fish Processors and Vendors.

Such reports prompted an immediate Stakeholder engagement and Subsequent Verification Process to investigate the use and presence of Insecticides in Fish Products.

The Public was Sensitized on the Potential Risks Associated with the use of Pesticides in Food Products. Fact -Finding Teams were established, which comprised Officials of Food Safety and Quality Authority, National Environment Agency, Directorate of Public Health Ministry of Health, Department of Fisheries and Pesticide Experts.

The Teams visited Fish Landing Sites and Markets to Administer Questionnaires and collect Fish Samples for Laboratory Analysis. During these engagements with the Fish Vendors and Processors, none of respondents attested to the use of Snipers; however Empty Sniper Containers were seen at a Site.

A Total of 57 Fish Samples was collected from 7 Fish Landing Sites and 9 Markets within the Greater Banjul area. From the Main Sample, 11 Fish Samples were randomly selected as subsample for analysis at Ceres Locustox Laboratory in Dakar, Senegal to determine the presence of Pesticides.

The result of the analysis indicated the presence of Sniper (Dichlorvos) and Four other Insecticide Products (Namely; Permethrin, Abamectin, Cypermethrin and Bifenthrin).

The results further indicated high residual concentration of dichlorvos in the samples collected from Bakoteh Fish Market with a Concentration of 9.18 mg/kg.

The presence of other Insecticides (Permethrin, Abamectin, Cypermethrin and Bifenthrin) were also found. The Sniper product found in The Gambia Contains a Highly Toxic Organophosphate compound, which is very toxic to Human Health and the Environment.

Sniper was originally formulated as a Plant Protection product to be used only for agricultural use (at 1000 g/L). It was also used as biocide at much lower concentrations (mostly 25 g/L). Sniper is a banned product in The Gambia due to its toxicity, continuous misuse and abuse of the product.

The Presence of Sniper (Dichlorvos) and other pesticides have been confirmed analytically in the samples tested in July 2022. All fish processor, Distributors and Vendors are hereby warned to cease and desist from the use of pesticides on fish and other food products.

Anyone found engaging in such Unscrupulous Activity would be in breach of the Law and therefore shall face the undesirable consequences that come with it.

The General Public is also hereby informed that this press release will be followed by Risk Communication exercises to create awareness on Safe Chemical Pesticide usage to ensure Good Hygienic Practices in Food Processing, Safeguard Public Health and Preserve Environmental Health.

The Understanding and Cooperation of the General Public is Highly Solicited. The General Public is assured that the Concerned Authorities will Apply Powers vested in them to ensure that the Food Chain is Safe and free from any Undesirable Elements. The Understanding of the General Public is being solicited.”

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