Pan African Young Leaders Foundation Elects New Chairperson in Gambia 3RD Edition of Global Leaders’ Summit

Pan African Young Leaders Foundation Elects New Chairperson in Gambia 3RD Edition of Global Leaders’ Summit
Pan African Young Leaders Foundation Elects New Chairperson in Gambia 3RD Edition of Global Leaders’ Summit

Africa-Press – Gambia. In a bid to enhance inclusion and inspiration for promising youths in Africa with Pan-Africanism spirit, the Pan African Young Leaders Foundation has elected Dr. Martha Namundjebo-Tilahun as its new Chairperson. Dr. Martha Numundjebo – Tilahun is also the current Chairperson of United Africa Group of Namibia.

Her election was conducted during the Third Edition of Global Leaders’ Summit organized by the Pan African Leadership Foundation (PAYLEF) which also climaxed by an award ceremony in recognition of key contributors to development and empowerment spheres in Africa.

The summit which occurred at the Sir Dawda Kairaba JawaraConference Centre in The Gambia aimed at creating an enabling networking platform to place Africa in the world map in terms of inclusion and inspiration for African youths ,and to lobby decision-makers in Africa under the theme ‘’Inclusion Leadership Shaping a Sustainable World’’.

Sharing his critical thoughts in the summit before her Chairperson election, Dr. Tilahun indicated that inclusivity should not be a lip service but a commitment to creating a world where diversity is not only celebrated but harnessed for the general god.

“One crucial aspect of inclusive leadership is setting realistic goals. As leaders, we must be ambitious, but our ambitious must be grounded in the reality of our circumstances,” Dr. Tilahunstated.

She furthered that Africa with its rich diverse cultures, languages and traditions, is a continent of immense potentials. But still faces certain challenges ranging from economic disparities to environmental threats.

“The urgency of our challenges demand that we fast track the implementation of our strategies, bureaucracy can often impede progress’’, she urged. As fast tracking the implementation of strategies is not to breach due process but to stream line them to ensure efficiency, leveraging technology, fostering collaboration and empowering local communities in undertaking their own development drives.

“Our focus should not only be on economic development but also on transforming lives. Inclusive leadership is about leaving no one behind ensuring that the benefits of progress are felt by all members of society. In African this means addressing issues such as access to education, healthcare and economic opportunities,” Chairperson stressed.

In the aftermath of her election and the award ceremony, DrTilahun promised that one of her key priorities is to consolidate teamwork spirit and unity in the Foundation.

“I believe in a straight unity and power of diverse prospective. By working together we can create solution to challenges face by our youths today and committed to creating an inclusive environment where every voice could be heard. Our success straight on the partnership we work with governments, None- Governmental Organisations (NGOs), Business communitiesand other institutions that share our vision for prosperity. Together we will break the bridge that connects the resources expertise and opportunities,” the new chair remarked.

She expressed gratitude about the possibility, which she described as creating joint forces in the pursuit of granted future for The Pan African youths. “Together we will create a legacy of empowerment and transparency.”

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