Residents of Karantaba Reneru highlight impact of road construction projects

Residents of Karantaba Reneru highlight impact of road construction projects
Residents of Karantaba Reneru highlight impact of road construction projects

Africa-Press – Gambia. Residents of Karantaba Reneru, Laminkoto, and Kunting among other communities in Central River Region (CRR) North have highlighted the importance of the ongoing road construction projects to their communities and the country as a whole.

Minister Ebrima Sillah accompanied by officials and technicians from the National Road Authority, Ministry of Transport Works and Infrastructure on his nationwide visit to a series of under-construction road projects in the region. Among the visited communities on Tuesday were Laminkoto, Banni, Youna, Kunting, Karantaba Reneru – Tabanani DemfayeNjaga-Fitu fulla and Njau Loop in CRR-North.

Shortly after the inspection with his team and the contractor, among other residents, Mrs. Mary Ceesay from Reneru – one of the beneficiary villages, expressed joy and lamented that before the commencement of the road some women, especially the pregnant women used to lose their lives and babies because the road was inaccessible. Thus, considered no go area tomany drivers because of unavailable roads.

Pa Jagne, a native of this village commented that the road is going to better their lives andlinks villages and allow free movement of goods and people while he alluded to some of the previous speakers from other communities that many people have died on their way to get health service at Bansang Hospital or KarantabaHealth Center due to the situation of the road.

He emphasized that it did happen many times in particular among the women who have many times delivered on the road while on their way to a hospital or health center, “all because of the poor road network.”

Pa Jagne who was excited at the Minister’s visit to the community to inspect the progress of the road said “In the rainy season, some have died on the road while others faced attacks from wild animals. Currently, the village is in a danger zone because criminals from Senegal used to attack us always and we need the support of the government to provide us with a paramilitary camp.”

The elders and alkalos of these communities thanked the government of The Gambia through Minister Ebrima Sillah for considering their communities while noting that it is one of the amenities that they have never smelled of having since the country’s independence until recent times.

In return, Honorable Ebrima Sillah, Minister of Transport Works and Infrastructure (MOTWI) said it is really commendable and thanked all these communities for their cooperation, and collaboration with the contractor for the implementation of the projects.

He noted that the contractor for road construction Lot 2 – Laminkoto, Banni, Youna, Kunting, Karantaba Reneru – Tabanani DemfayeNjaga-Fitu fulla and Njau Loop in CRR-North is Cornerstone Construction.

“We are happy with what we have seen as per the level of implementation of the projects they may complete on time or well before time. This is really commendable. We also thank the local communities for their cooperation but also collaboration with the contractor,” the Minister thanked and applauded the contractor for a job well done.

He noted that as part of the contractor’s Corporate Service, these communities have benefited from boreholes “So this is extremely very commendable. Being also a Gambian supporting Gambians is really appreciated. On behalf of His Excellency, the President. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the contractor and the consultants, and particularly the NRA for the services being delivered.”

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