Talib Ahmed Bensouda Fires Back At President Barrow, Declaring ‘Your Time Is Up

Talib Ahmed Bensouda Fires Back At President Barrow, Declaring ‘Your Time Is Up
Talib Ahmed Bensouda Fires Back At President Barrow, Declaring ‘Your Time Is Up

Africa-Press – Gambia. In response to President Adama Barrow’s recent remarks, Talib Ahmed Bensouda, Mayor of Kanifing Municipal Council (KMC), asserts that Barrow’s presidency is nearing its end and urges him to cease instigating violence between UDP and NPP supporters.

Bensouda condemns Barrow’s call for conflict between the two parties, likening it to a parent encouraging strife among their children. He advocates for peaceful conflict resolution, urging supporters of both parties to report any incidents to law enforcement rather than retaliate.

“Yesterday, once more, the president directed his criticisms towards the UDP. Specifically, he targeted the party’s leader, Lawyer Ousainou Darboe, urging supporters of his own NPP party to clash with those of the UDP. It’s unsettling to witness a leader instigating violence among his own citizens, akin to a parent encouraging strife among their own family members. I’ll advise NPP supporters: if any UDP follower violates your rights, refrain from retaliation; instead, report the incident to the authorities. Similarly, I’ll urge UDP supporters to take the same course of action. A true leader ought to advocate for peace within his nation, yet promoting conflict in the realm of politics is a troubling stance. Perhaps it’s time for introspection on his part,” Talib remarked.

Furthermore, Bensouda criticizes Barrow’s derogatory remarks about the United Democratic Party (UDP), stressing that such language is unbecoming of a leader. He highlights Barrow’s inconsistency, noting the irony of his disparagement of ‘Narr Boutiques’ despite benefiting from aid from ‘Narr’ countries during the recent OIC summit.

“He remarked on the UDP bureau, likening it to a ‘Narr Boutique.’ I believe a true leader should rise above such trivial discourse. What baffles me is that the recently concluded OIC event was funded by ‘Narr’ countries. Mauritania generously provided 100 vehicles for transportation. So why demean ‘Narr’ establishments? I’ll convey this to the president: your tenure is well understood. In today’s Africa, presidential terms are typically limited to two. Let’s uphold this tradition—no to a third term—and let Africa move beyond this. I’ll urge President Barrow to designate a successor from within his party. If that’s not feasible, he should cease targeting the UDP, as we boast numerous capable individuals.” Mayor Bensouda said.

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