Transport Min., Banjul Mayor Appeal for Cancellation of Planned Ferry Protest

Transport Min., Banjul Mayor Appeal for Cancellation of Planned Ferry Protest
Transport Min., Banjul Mayor Appeal for Cancellation of Planned Ferry Protest

Africa-Press – Gambia. The Minister of Transport, Ebrima Sillah, hasmade an impassioned plea for the cancellation of a planned protest over the disruption of ferry services.

There was reportedly some mobilization in some quarters for a street protest over the disruption of ferry services along the Banjul-Baara ferry crossing.

“We want to make one request here. We have people here from across the political spectrum as well as the elders of Niumi and ministers. There are some people, who have mobilized and they plan to hold a protest,” Minister Sillah said. He continued: “We want to appeal to them so that we can work in tandem, listen to each other, and help one another since this situation was not a foul play. So in that case, we want to appeal to you. We understand your frustrations and we are conscious of your needs but we want to appeal to you so that we can see if the planned demonstration can be cancelled. You can be part of the committee set up to investigate and fix this issue so that things will not suffer a delay.”

He said the Gambia government is passionately engaged with the issues around ferries.

“I want to announce to the public that the Gambia government is spiritedly engaged in the ferries. The Kunta Kinteh renovation and overhaul of the engine are almost completed. We are hoping that either or before the end of April, Kunta Kinteh will be back in service,” said Sillah.

“We want to assure you that we are alive to your predicaments and needs and we appeal to everyone to apologize to you for all the suffering that you’ve gone through. Your predicament is weighty on our shoulders,” he added.

The Mayor of Banjul also waded into the issue of the planned protest, calling for restraint.

“ My Niuminka children and the people of Baddibou cannot protest without my knowledge. So, I urge them to meet me in my office so that we can iron issues out,” she jovially said.

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