Women’s U-20 team to Wafu unveiled

Women’s U-20 team to Wafu unveiled
Women’s U-20 team to Wafu unveiled

Africa-Press – Gambia. The Gambia Women’s U-20 coach Joseph Jabang on Monday finalised his squad for the Wafu U-20 tourney in Thies, Senegal.

Addressing the girls after announcing the final squad, Joe Jabang said the selection was tough because all the invited players have shown a high level of performance. He thanked all members of the squad for being part of the process while wishing them luck in their future endeavours. He noted that the 22 players he selected will be locally camped, but only 20 will make the trip to the tournament.

The team is expected to go to camp on today Wednesday, 15 May at the Football Hotel in Old Yundum. The team is expected to leave on Saturday for the tournament which starts on 20 May and runs until 30 May.

1. Diminga Mendy
2. Mariama Ceesay
3. Rebecca Mendy
4. Kumba Gassama
5. Mariama Cham
6. Haddijatou Drammeh
7. Joko Saho
8. Banna Jarjue
9. Diminga Sylva
10. Fatoumatta Erma Mook
11. Nyima Sanneh
12. Marie Senhgore
13. Sirreh Korteh
14. Mary NF Gomez
15. Juwana Colley
16. Veronic Sambou
17. Nyima Sabally
18. Wuday Colley
19. Fatou F Joof
20. Sallymata Saidykhan
21. Aji Amie Nyan
22. Marie Jatta

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