Akufo Addo administration has crossed many red lines in Ghana’s democratic practice

Akufo Addo administration has crossed many red lines in Ghana’s democratic practice
Akufo Addo administration has crossed many red lines in Ghana’s democratic practice

Africa-Press – Ghana. Former President John Dramani Mahama has accused the Akufo-Addo administration of crossing several red lines in Ghana’s democratic practices.

The flagbearer of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) said President Akufo-Addo has put political convenience ahead of democratic consolidation.

This, in his view, has left Ghana poorer.

In a post on his X platform, he said “The Nana Akufo Addo and Bawumia-led administration has crossed many red lines in our democratic practice.

“Their deliberate acts of putting political convenience ahead of democratic consolidation have left Ghana’s 4th Republic the poorer for it.”

In another development, Mr Mahama expressed worry about the attitude of African governments targeting businesses owned by their political opponents.

He stated that part of the problem for not having more rich African businesses is that governments turn to target businesses created by their political opponents.

To that end, he has urged the African government not to act in ways that destroy businesses.

Answering questions in a panel discussion during the 2nd edition of the the Afro-heritage Conference and Awards in Lagos, Nigeria, the flagbearer of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) said We must not be afraid for our business people to succeed, we must not be afraid to have rich Africans.

Mr Mahama also made a case for African leaders to take seriously investment in young people to make innovations that will affect the ordinary citizens on the continent.

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