Electorate cautioned against making demands from politicians


Right Reverend Stephen Richard Bosomtwi-Ayensu, the Superintendent Minister of the Methodist Church of Ghana, has cautioned the electorate to be measured in their financial demands from politicians since it has contributed to the growing rate of corruption due to the pressure they mount on political leaders.

According to him, “the practice is a disincentive to the growth and development of democracy and the fight against corruption because such excessive demands on parliamentarians, ministers, appointees and other political leaders breed political corruption.”

Rt Rev Bosomtwi-Ayensu reposited that “political leaders, ministers, appointees and parliamentarians are not moneymaking machines to be meeting every financial demand of constituents; the electorate must assess candidates seeking political power based on their competencies, qualification and vision, and not the financial benefits they will gain from voting for an individual.

He indicated that some Members of Parliament (MPs) have complained about pressure to support and assist their constituents financially, the situation is terrible to the extent that some constituents demand financial assistance from their MPs to organise naming ceremonies, funerals among other activities.

“We must not allow this to continue because it is dangerous and evil, you don’t elect parliamentarians or leaders to go to office and be giving you money, we don’t have a moneymaking machine in their offices, that is why corruption is growing.

“This has also contributed to the underperformance of some of them, others have also turned thieves due to the pressure voters mount on them, it is not the desire of some political leaders to be corrupt, but the pressure voters mount on them is unbearable,’’ Rt Rev Bosomtwi-Ayensu lamented.

Joseph Osei Owusu, the First Deputy Speaker of Parliament Joseph Osei Owusu appealed to the citizenry to reduce their financial demands from ministers, appointees and MPs since the situation was overburdening them.


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