Exit of multinational companies from Ghana: A wake-up call for economic diversification

Exit of multinational companies from Ghana: A wake-up call for economic diversification
Exit of multinational companies from Ghana: A wake-up call for economic diversification

Africa-Press – Ghana. Ghana’s economy has been hit by the exit of several multinational companies (MNCs) in recent years, including Societe Generale, Glovo, Nivea, Jumia Foods, Lipton Tea, Dark and Lovely, Bet 365, Game, and Bic.

This trend raises concerns about the country’s economic stability and highlights the need for diversification.

The exit of MNCs can have significant impacts on the economy, including job losses, decreased economic activity, reduced competition and innovation, decreased availability of products and services, increased prices for consumers, and struggles for local businesses to fill the gap.

Moreover, the exit of MNCs can also lead to a decrease in foreign investment, which can further exacerbate the economic challenges facing the country.

The government and regulatory bodies must take immediate action to mitigate the impacts of the exit of MNCs. This can be achieved by implementing policies that support local businesses, encourage foreign investment, and promote economic diversification.

Supporting Local Businesses

Local businesses are the backbone of Ghana’s economy, and they must be supported to grow and thrive. The government can provide support to local businesses through funding, training, and mentorship programs. This can help them to build capacity, improve their competitiveness, and create jobs.

Encouraging Foreign Investment

Foreign investment is critical for Ghana’s economic growth and development. The government can encourage foreign investment by providing tax incentives, simplifying regulatory processes, and promoting investment opportunities. This can help to attract new investors and retain existing ones.

Promoting Economic Diversification

Ghana’s economy is heavily dependent on a few industries, including agriculture, mining, and manufacturing. This makes it vulnerable to external shocks and economic downturns. To reduce this vulnerability, the government must promote economic diversification by encouraging local businesses to explore new markets and products.


The exit of MNCs from Ghana is a wake-up call for economic diversification. By supporting local businesses, encouraging foreign investment, and promoting economic diversification, Ghana can reduce its dependence on a few industries and build a more resilient economy. The government and regulatory bodies must act now to implement policies that will drive economic growth and stability.


1. Government support for local businesses through funding, training, and mentorship programs.

2. Tax incentives and simplified regulatory processes to encourage foreign investment.

3. Promotion of economic diversification by encouraging local businesses to explore new markets and products.

4. Investment in infrastructure and transportation to improve the business environment.

5. Encouragement of public-private partnerships to drive economic growth and development.

Author: Raymond Koffie, MBA, BSc, PgDip

About the Author

Senior warrant officer Raymond Koffie -Regimental Quartermaster of Ghana Armed Forces Headquarters Training and Doctrine Command, Teshie camp is a seasoned logistics and supply chain management professional with over 10 years of experience in the military and private sector.

He holds an MBA in Logistics and Supply Chain Management from the Pentecost University , a Bachelor of Science (BSc) degree in Business Administration from the University of Ghana, and a Postgraduate Diploma (PgDip) in Logistics and Supply Chain Management from UK.

He is also a certified logistician. Raymond is passionate about economic development and has written several articles on the topic. Additionally, he is a Part-time Lecturer at the University of Education, Winneba, where he teaches logistics and supply chain management courses.

Source: 3News

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