I suspect Okudzeto is pushing agenda of Rock City’s Competitors – Former MP

I suspect Okudzeto is pushing agenda of Rock City’s Competitors – Former MP
I suspect Okudzeto is pushing agenda of Rock City’s Competitors – Former MP

Africa-Press – Ghana. Former Chairman of Government Assurances Committee and former legislator for Manhyia North, Collins Owusu Amankwah, says he suspects that North Tongu Member of Parliament, Samuel Okudzeto Ablakwa, is only doing the bidding of the competitors of Rock City Hotels who failed in their bid to secure the 60% share of the four hotels offered by the Social Security and National Insurance Trust (SSNIT).

“I suspect Okudzeto Ablakwa is doing the bidding of the other competitors who failed to win the 60% bid. They are bitter and may be behind Okudzeto” He told Akoma FM’s William Evans-Nkum on Wednesday.

Bryan Acheampong has come under intense public scrutiny after it emerged that his Rock City Hotel was preparing to take over 60% share of four hotels owned by SSNIT.

Read also:

Sale of SSNIT Hotel stakes: Bryan Acheampong should give us some respect – Kpebu

SSNIT had earlier defended the sale claiming Rock City met all requirement to secure them the bid.

One of the concerns raised by some anti corruption crusaders has been conflict of interest, particularly selling off a public property to a politically exposed individual

However, Collins Owusu Amankwah has described the assertion as baseless “which law bars Bryan from purchasing the hotels because he is politically exposed?” He queried.

To him, the North Tongu MP is embarking on a campaign which will discourage local investors from investing in the country.

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