Video: How police busted fraudsters in Ghana Fire Service recruitment scam

Video: How police busted fraudsters in Ghana Fire Service recruitment scam
Video: How police busted fraudsters in Ghana Fire Service recruitment scam

Africa-Press – Ghana. A team of personnel from the Ghana Police Service and the Ghana National Fire Service (GNFS) have arrested some imposters allegedly recruiting for the service. The syndicate, made up of about 10 members, were arrested during the swoop at a hotel in Lapaz in Accra.

In a video published on the official Facebook page of GNFS, some prospective applicants, about a hundred in number, gathered at Day and Night Hotel at Abeka Lapaz, a suburb of Accra, going through what was supposed to be a recruitment process in the early hours of Friday, January 14, 2022.

Some of the applicants told the Fire Service Officials that they have paid money to the tune of GHC7,000 or more to the fraudsters.

“I don’t know why they are all running,” a young lady was heard in the video telling the Fire Service officials

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