‘We saved GHC10 trillion through diligently defending civil actions against the State’

‘We saved GHC10 trillion through diligently defending civil actions against the State’
‘We saved GHC10 trillion through diligently defending civil actions against the State’

Africa-Press – Ghana. The Attorney-General (A-G) and Minister for Justice, Godfred Yeboah Dame, has stated that his outfit saved the country over GHC10 trillion in judgement debt through diligently defending the state against many civil actions since assuming office.

The office of the Attorney-General, in a statement dated Friday, March 1, 2024, justified the assertions made by President Akufo-Addo during his State of the Nation address on the floor of Parliament on Tuesday, February 27, 2024.

“The Attorney-General has continued, in a very effective manner, the tradition under this administration of contesting every civil litigation against the state and has avoided the numerous judgement debts that used to be given against the state. The Office, as a result, has saved the country over ten trillion Ghana cedis (GH¢10 trillion),” said President Akufo-Addo.

The comment by the President has received varied interpretations from various sections of the public.

But the Attorney-General’s office in response noted that “the amounts actually avoided in the payment of judgment debts from 2021 to date are well over GHC10 trillion.”

“These savings were made through a process of diligently defending civil actions against the State, meticulously uncovering discrepancies and challenging inflated debts alleged to be owed by the State in litigation in Ghana and arbitration in various international fora,” the statement added.

According to the A-G’s office, it saved the country over US$15 million in a judgement debt case between the Ministry of Lands and Natural Resources and the A-G vrs Heritage Imperial Limited.

“The plaintiff obtained judgment for US$15,304,714.20 in July 2020 for seizure and destruction of its mining equipment. In July 2021, the High Court set aside the entire judgment for violating various statutory provisions pursuant to an application by the A-G,” it stated.

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Also, the A-G has secured a stay of execution of judgment in the case between African Automobile Limited and the Accra Metropolitan Assembly, and The Attorney General.

It said that the claimant obtained a judgment in 2009 and proceeded to obtain a garnishee nisi order for the sum of GHC592,092,705,048.00 in February 2020.

However, the Attorney General commenced an action at the High Court to set aside the judgment for fraud. Pending the determination, “the court has stayed execution of the judgment.”

Moreover, in the case of David Akpasera & 42 Others vrs. The Attorney General, an action by former members of Parliament and Ministers of State for payment of retirement benefits of over GHC 100 million was dismissed by the High Court in 2020. The Court of Appeal dismissed the appeal in May 2022.

The Minister for Justice has assured the public that his office will continue to zealously defend the interests of the State in civil litigation, protect public property, and avoid scandalous judgment debts against the State.

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