Let’s Invest much in housing – Ahafo Regional Minister


The Minister for Ahafo Region, Hon. Evans Opoku Bobie has advised the people Region to channel their resources into housing, saying it is a very profitable industry.

Hon.Opoku Bobie, who doubles as member of Parliament for Asunafo North Constituency, emphasised that the region has attracted tens of thousands who are eager to rent apartments.

The unflagging minister disclosed this at Goaso, the Regional Capital of Ahafo, when he visited Seventh Day Adventist Church (SDA) to climax their annual Christmas service and harvest.

He used the opportunity to extend his Christmas greetings from the president of the Republic of Ghana, H. E. Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo to all the congregants. He urged them to keep on praying for the president to do more for mother Ghana.

Hon. Evans Opoku Bobie reiterated on a spherical cusp that, landlords and ladies who have the capacity to build new houses have to start raising new buildings to shelter most the workers and investors who are coming to the Ahafo Region.

He therefore, appealed to the landlords not to capitalise on this to charge higher rent.

The minister stressed that president Akufo-Addo deserves another term of office because his programmes and policies have made a significant impact in the lives of Ghanaians.

The leadership of the church commended the Regional Minister for his visit and the piece of advice given to them. They prayed fervently for him and the president of the Republic.

Hon. Bobie concluded his message by urging all and sundry to let peace and love lead us into the new year.


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