My Valentine Present For All Ghanaian Ladies


On my first date with a 20year-old White lady in Milton Keynes, England, she actually paid for all the meals and taxi fares, to and from; and my jaw just dropped.

At all times, I impressed upon her to leave the bills to me but she simply wouldn’t budge. She later told her Mom and the Mom called to tell me “this is England”.

On special occasions, she was always first to buy me presents; first person to call me when it was my birthday and invited me over for dinner with her family.

I believe it is for this reason that women in England are bold to call for gender equality in all spheres within their socio-economic lives. Can’t we practice it?

The man should not be the only one always giving out gifts in a relationship: Ghanaian ladies must learn to be romantic because love isn’t a one-way traffic.

In Ghana, even when the lady is the highest income earner in a relationship, particularly the premarital ones, she still expects the man to be the one dishing out gifts.

The pressures always on the men during occasions, particularly in this time of covid-19 where businesses are so constricted and times difficult, is not fair.

There must be affirmative action in all spheres of our socio-economic lives, and not only when it comes to benevolence and romance. Please, Ghanaian men are suffering.

There is a Burundian proverb which says “the only time a lady can make a man a millionaire, is when he is a billionaire”. Just think about it, my fellow Ghanaians.


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