Kitui assembly performance average, up your game— Speaker Katisya

Kitui assembly performance average, up your game— Speaker Katisya
Kitui assembly performance average, up your game— Speaker Katisya

Africa-Press – Kenya. Kitui County Assembly speaker, Kevin Katisya, has rated the performance of the assembly which he heads as average, and having fallen short of expectation.

Katisya also said the County Executive that is led by Governor Julius Malombe, had not done any better as he rated its performance at average. He said the two arms of government were doing badly.

“In the nutshell our County government of Kitui has not attained excellent status in performance so far,” he said. He said it was time both arms of the county government worked hard to improve on the not so impressive performance.

The speaker was speaking on Wednesday during an end of year party for the Kitui MCAs and staff members, as the reps proceed for the Christmas holiday after adjourning sittings sine die earlier in the day.

He said the key to improved performance lied in working hard and the embracing of unity by all players in both the Kitui County assembly and the executive.

“We need to remain united for our common good. Unity among the MCAs, the staff and even the executive arm is imperative. The entire county government of Kitui should be united.”

“Working hard and in unison will see improvement from average to above average and even to excellent. That can be realised if both the Kitui executive and Assembly worked in unity,” he added.

During the ceremony at which a Catholic priest Fr Julius Muthamba preached unity and peace among the Kitui assembly fraternity, Katisya announced that his 2024 new year resolution was to be humble.

“My New Year’s resolution is to have humility for the common good. I will ensure that I live up to that. I will ensure that I am going to enhance unity in this County Assembly,” vowed the speaker.

He urged MCAs to realise that even as they had the leeway to exercise their political democracy, they shared a common goal to ultimately deliver to the people of Kitui county.

Katisya at the same time lamented that there were unnamed detractors who where fuelling disunity between the Kitui Assembly and the County executive with ulterior motive.

“There are those who are reaping big from the disunity. I would tell them that the benefits they are reaping will only be short lived sooner than later they will have no where to reap from,” he said.

He called on the people who were engineering detrimental squabbles between the Kitui assembly and the executive, to stop it for the benefit of good people of Kitui who deserve service.

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