LIVE UPDATES: Jubilee, ODM & UDA Face-off in By-Elections

LIVE UPDATES: Jubilee, ODM & UDA Face-off in By-Elections
LIVE UPDATES: Jubilee, ODM & UDA Face-off in By-Elections

Africa-PressKenya. Two by-elections are currently underway in Bonchari, Kisii and Juja in Kiambu County. In Bonchari, Jubilee, ODM and UDA fielded Zebedeo Opore, Pavel Oimoke and UDA’s Teresa Bitutu.

In Juja Jubilee’s Susan Njeri Waititu faces competition from the People’s Empowerment Party’s (PEP) George Koimburi. A ward by-election is also underway in Rurii, Nyandarua County. is updating you on the developments. Keep refreshing this page.


Deputy IG Edward Mbugua responds to ODM, UDA complains about police frustrations and voter fraud. Vows to prosecute arrested lawbreakers.

“Police are on the ground to facilitate peaceful and orderly conduct during the Bonchari by-election. Voting in most polling stations has been conducted peacefully and without incident and we thank the Bonchari residents for maintaining the law.”


ODM states that its Youth League President John Ketora, Director of Youth Affairs Benson Musungu, Kisii official Kisii Dennis Mosoti & two other youths have been violently arrested in Suneka township. The trio was detained at Central Police Station in Kisii.

“The arrested Youth League officials were arrested while heading to Suneka Baraza Hall Polling Station to deliver food to our party agents. The arresting officers, close to 50 roughed them up and took their personal belongings and phones,” ODM alleged.


ODM, UDA write to IEBC and National Police Service citing police intimidation and harassment in the ongoing by-elections.


ODM Secretary General Edwin Sifuna appeals to voters in Bonchari constituency who have not voted to make good use of the remaining hours of voting time to exercise their democratic right.


Juja Returning Officer Justus Mbithi announces that polling stations that opened late will be allowed to stay open longer.


Jubilee’s Momanyi is accused of bribing voters. Her bodyguards shielded her and drove away as an angry mob assembled.

“Our hawk-eyed youths have chased away Jubilee’s Jerusha Momanyi and Kiogoro MCA Apepo from Kerina polling station where they had gone to bribe voters. We encourage our youths and supporters to continue being vigilant to stop the manipulation,” ODM alleged.


Nyamira Woman Rep Hon. Jerusha Momanyi is chased away by ODM supporters in Bonchari.


ODM Agent, Navea Oketch claims voter bribery and malpractice is ongoing at Nyamiombo polling station. She claims people allied to Jubilee’s Zebedeo Opore are responsible


ODM shares a video that shows its officials chasing after a car whose occupants reportedly arrested Riana Ward MCA Vincent Moisabi.

12:13: ODM states that Hon Jane Justin, MCA Kisii County has also been arrested. Her together with Hon. Kemunto are being held at Gesonso police station.


ODM states that Nominated MCA at Kisii County Assembly Hon. Risper Kemunto ODM (Deputy Minority Leader) has been arrested. She was one of our agents in Bogiakumu Ward


ODM tweets that Riana Ward MCA Vincent Moisabi, its key agent in has been arrested and driven to an unknown location on claims he was visiting polling stations to see the progress of the exercise


Nyanza Police Boss Karanja Muiruri says the heavy presence of police in Bonchari should not worry voters


Kiambu Women Rep Gathoni Wamuchomba condemns voter bribery claims, says one suspect already apprehended by police.

“They are even alleging that police will switch off lights. Those are propagandists and we are watching them closely. Some have even been arrested while posing as IEBC agents,” Wamuchomba stated adding that those arrested had IEBC attire.


Low voter turnout reported in all polling stations.


ODM Bonchari candidate Pavel Oimeke condemns the heavy presence of police in Bonchari. Omieke at the same time alleges one of his agents in Nyamare Primary has been arrested.


Jubilee candidate Susan Waititu raises concern on lower voter turn-out. Urges Juja residents to come out and vote. u casts her ballot at Jomo Kenyatta DEB Primary in Juja.


UDA adds that its party agents have been harassed and intimidated by police across Rurii ward.


UDA states that its key election agents in Rurii, Brian Mbugua and Daniel Githinji have been arrested by police outside Rurii Polytechnic and taken to Ol Kalou Police Station.


Nyanza Regional Police Commander Karanja Muiruri confirms several suspects have been arrested and money meant for voter bribery confiscated in Bonchari. Suspects to be charged.


Jubilee’s Zebedeo Opore and UDA’s Teresa Bitutu cast their votes.


ODM Communications Director Philip Etale tweets that “Over 40 cops, armed to the tooth, in uniform & plainclothes have stormed Ufanisi Resort, Kisii to arrest ODM Treasurer Tim Bosire for no apparent reason. One of the officers (a top cop) has been spotted with money that they intended to dump in his room to claim he was dishing out.”


Sifuna tells that “The government is attempting to intimidate us but we ask our voters to turn up and vote for our candidate. They (voters) are our voices and representatives,”


Police officers have raid ODM Secretary-General, Edwin Sifuna’s hotel, in Kisii County a few minutes before the voting process at the Bonchari by-elections commence.


IEBC opens polling stations.


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